David Bolton

In Practice for over 50 Years

My Extended Family

My patients are really my extended family and as such I care for them both physically and, where I can, emotionally. These are challenging times for us all and those of us that suffer from pain and disability are particularly vulnerable to a surge in symptoms in times of adversity such as now. 

Please remember that which I have taught you, that our thoughts, feelings and emotions have a great influence over our health and well being, influencing the strength of our immune systems and regulating our pain experience. 

The most powerful thing that you can do to protect yourself, as difficult as it might be, is to try to stay active physically and mentally in what ever way you can, be it home exercise, meditation and relaxation or maybe getting down to learn that language that you always wanted to, be imaginative. 

We don’t have much control over the situation but we do have control over ourselves and our inner strengths that nature has given us.

I will stay open in the event that you need me and, as always,  available by email if you have any questions.

Naturally, for my own safety as much as yours, I am practicing sterile procedures to keep the practice environment clean and safe for when you need to visit me.

Good Luck and stay positive….

May Your Mother Mary be with you

In Practice for over 50 Years © 2022 David Bolton Physiotherapy London